Hey Guys!
Welcome to Curious Minds. Today I am going to talk about time-blocking.
Time management is one of the most important skill that everyone should learn. The person who controls his/her time controls, controls their life and mind. Many people who have achieved things and made an impact control their time efficiently. They have a routine and they strictly follow it.
If you want to achieve something you have to invest most of the time working on it. There are 168 hours in a week. I think that in order to achieve your goal, you have to work at least 85-100 hours every week on your goal. But whenever we start doing our work excuses and boredom comes into the play. Our mind comes up with an excuse to not do it. Every time you come up with an excuse and stop doing the work, you are making your mind your enemy. But if you start working you are dominating over your mind. In long term you start controlling your mind and when you do you start getting out of your comfort zone. And this is where you grow and overcome your fears.
I think the most effective way is time-blocking . All you have to do is take a notebook and write what are you going to do each and every hour of the day. I will recommend you to do this the night before. If you do it in the morning your energy and cognitive bandwidth will be wasted. Each morning when we wake up, our cognitive bandwidth .i.e, the ability to make decisions gets recharged. I don’t think that you should waste it in planning your day. Well cognitive bandwidth is of great importance as we all have to make some important decisions everyday. It helps us in making effective decisions.
Once you make the time blocks try to follow them strictly. I think that you should also make a time block for distractions. If you decide that at a particular time I will use social media and other entertainment stuff, you will be able to work with focus and will get into flow state easily. Though this takes some practice. In the beginning you will think that this is hard but this technique will help you in the long term. Many successful people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey etc. use this technique to manage their day.
As your day will be filled with time blocks, you will not have time to mindlessly do random things and your brain will remain in focused mode for most of the time. But remember to make a time block for rest. The thing is rest recharges your body and it is very important to work properly. Many successful people prioritise their sleep and stick to it. If you don’t rest your cognitive bandwidth will not get recharged and you will not be able to make important decisions. Also make time blocks for exercise. Exercise will help you to remain active and sharp.
In the end I would like to quote Robin Sharma. He said that, “Time Management is Life Management.” I hope that you will take an action and work towards your goal.
I would like to thank Feedspot for mentioning Curious-minds in their top 100 personal development blogs list.
I hope I added some value to your life. Thanks for Reading!