Hey Guys!
Today I am going to talk about time management.
Have you ever felt that the time has just flew by and you have done nothing? This happens many times and what you have decided to do with that time is left out. This also happens when you get distracted. When you are doing an important work and pick up the phone you get lost in it and the time gets wasted. The most fascinating thing about time is that it is a luxury that no one can buy. Once the time is gone it won’t come back how much energy you put . Many times we just waste countless hours doing nothing or doing something which won’t help you in building your future. That wasted time never comes back. Many great people like late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, JRD Tata, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. never waste their time. Time is very important for these people. They never waste a single minute doing useless things. They just work on growing their business and themselves.
I think that one of the most important traits of successful people is time management. Time management is most important step to achieve anything in life. If you want to achieve something you have to put countless hours in it. If that thing takes more time so be it. In the end you will finally achieve it and when you will you will be the most happiest person on earth. Because you have put all your efforts achieving that thing. Achieving your goals motivates you to achieve more goals. But remember never get satisfied after completing the goal cause life is all about setting goals which challenge you and achieve them at all costs.
We all need something to work on every single day. The irony is that the people who don’t do anything also need to decide that they will do nothing and will waste countless hours. We all say that we are busy doing work. But wait a second and ask yourself that are you really doing something meaningful and productive? Just ask this question to yourself. In the coming years machine will take over many jobs. And if you don’t start doing high quality work you will get lost. You have to make a routine and you have to follow it. You have to block your time for particular activities. If you think that you will manage in the coming time then you are the biggest fool on this earth. Just remember the no one is going to save you except yourself. By blocking I mean that decide that at particular time you will do the particular activity. Write this on a paper because what is written always stays in your mind. Also put reminders on your phone. By putting reminders on your phone you are using it productively and it constantly reminds you to do work. During the time of work just do the work no matter what happens. Don’t get distracted. If you think that you will get easily distracted then put your phone on silent or airplane mode.
By following routine you will develop self discipline. Also plan ahead. Take a piece of paper and write what will you do the next day before going to sleep. This will keep you occupied for the next day and you will stay busy. Try to complete all the things planned for next day. It will motivate to do more things. Just do this for a week. I am sure you will see the benefits. Make a plan that challenges you. This way you will also become mentally tough. Also don’t forget to include exercise and meditation in your routine. If you do these this will help you in achieving success.
Many people say that they don’t have time. This is the worst excuse one can give. There are 168 hours in a week. If we remove 49 hours for sleep still you have 119 hours to work on yourself and your work. In fact 6-7 hours of sleep is enough for us. After subtracting time for your daily chores I think roughly you have 105 hours to work. So why make excuse if you have got enough time.
In the end I just want to say that the one word that differentiates normal people with successful people is “Discipline”. So think about this and start working on your dreams. Set goals and achieve them no matter what happens. Do this every single day of your life and you will be grateful to yourself that you stared managing your time.
Thanks for reading!