Hey Guys!
My name is Dev.
So today I am going to talk about how not to get broke. By broke I mean the depletion of your money from your pockets. Today many people are suffering from due to lack of money. Because today everything in this world is about money. If you want to go somewhere you need money. If you want to eat something you need money. Even if you want to live you need money. So basically today I am going to tell you how to get rich.
Lets get into the steps:
- First of all start saving money. It is going to benefit you a lot. Start saving by a small amount. Overtime you will save a huge amount of money which can be used during emergencies or to fuel your dreams. If you are a student it will help you to cover up your college fees. If you are in college it will help you cover your college fees. You should control your expenses. You should live below your means.
- Start looking for side jobs. Heres a thing “Your 9 to 5 job will help you with your expenses the side job after 5 will make you millionaire after sometime.” One should really think about starting a side job. If you have skill then start monetising it. You can do freelancing. You can start investing in stocks, real estate, dropshipping, etc. The best thing to increase your income is to start business.
- Budget your income. In order to avoid getting broke you should make budgets. First make a list of things which you need in your day to day lives like groceries and make another list of things in which you list all the things of joy like shopping, going to theatre, etc. I will not include travelling because if you travel you can build a strong network of people which will help you in your business. Your communication skills will also improve.
- The most important thing is to learn about the tax system. It will really help you to know where to and how to invest money. It will also help you to save more money.
Well this steps will also help you to get rich. If you do these steps properly and work hard then the day is not far when you will be one of the millionaires and will be able to buy anything you want. You should start learning about the finances. It will help you a lot. We don’t value money when we have it. And this is reality. The lesson about money will be really learned when you don’t have it.
You can learn more about finance I would suggest the following books:
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
- MONEY Master the game by Tony Robbins
- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley
- The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason
Thanks for reading!