Hey Guys!
Welcome to Curious Minds. My name is Dev and today I am going to talk about Health.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Health is the state of being free from any injury and illness physically and mentally. Our health and mind are the most important factors in our life. If you use them wisely you will succeed and rule the world. But if you are unhealthy you are not worthy of doing anything as you can’t even take care of yourself. If you want to win and contribute something positive in people’s lives then you have to first learn to take care of yourself. If you are healthy and your mind is in your control then you will have a huge impact on the world.
Have you ever seen a great leader or person to be unfit? Being healthy doesn’t mean that you are all pumped up. Being healthy means that you don’t suffer from any illness and are always active to work. Health can be divided into two types: physical health and mental health. I believe that these both types of healths are connected to each other. You have to work simultaneously on improving your physical as well as mental health .Also it takes time for your body to adapt to changes. If you did 10 pushups today you are not going to have a muscular chest the next day. You have to do pushups everyday, increase the reps, take proper nutrition, get enough sleep . On this journey to improve your health you will learn many things. One of those is consistency. If you don’t do anything consistently you will not achieve anything from that activity.
Let’s talk about physical health first. You have to exercise at least 20 minutes everyday. What you can do is just do some high intensity interval training or HIIT. HIIT refers to an activity which makes you move quickly in a short interval of time.You can do some cardio like sprinting or you can do some burpees or at least do jumping. I would suggest you to do HIIT workout in morning as soon as you wake up. When you do some intense workout a hormone called BDNF and growth hormone is released in your body. BDNF helps your brain cells in growth. Scientists found that our brain is not confined but it grows on the basis of how we act in the environment.This phenomenon is called neuroplaticity. In short our brain grows with respect to our surroundings. Also by giving your body some physical discomfort will make you mentally tough. You see when you do some task which gives you discomfort you grow mentally and physically and you have improved focus and improved longevity. Having a laser focused mind is a gift in today’s world when most of the people are distracted. By improving our physical health we also improve our immunity. Our immunity plays a key role in fighting diseases. As long as our immunities are strong we are physically well.
I hope that you have understood the significance of physical health. The second type of health is mental health. Mental health plays a very important role in our lives. Well if your mind is filled with distractions and worries you will not be able to work. Your mental health determines your state in which you do work. Having a negative mindset affects your overall health. So to improve your mental health you have to start meditating everyday for at least 10 minutes. Many people think that meditation is not for them, it is for old people. But the reality is that mediation is for everyone. Mediation helps you to declutter your mind. It keeps you calm in tense situation. Mediation has countless benefits. You have to meditate consistently everyday to see the changes in yourself.
Make the ritual of doing exercise for 20 minutes and meditating 10 minutes everyday. I am sure that you will see some change in yourself within 2-3 months. It takes some time to achieve something that is good for yourself. If you expect immediate results then you will not be able to improve yourself. To conclude, I would say that start working on yourself and strive to become better every day. After all life is all about improving ourselves.
I would like to thank Feedspot for mentioning Curious-minds in their top 100 personal development blogs list.
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