Hey Guys! Welcome to Curious Minds.
My name is Dev and in this week’s blogpost I am going to talk about failure.
First of all just pause for a minute and think what does failure mean to you. Different people will have different perception of failure. The most common thought would be that if we are not able to do something then I have failed at it. But this is not the right thought process. On every stage of your life you will be challenged and if your thought process is like this you will destroy your self esteem and yourself. You will think that you are a failure. You will not be able to survive in this world. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place. Everybody is ready to compete with each other. By thinking that you are a failure you will kill yourself.
It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, what matters is are you improving yourself after failing. If you are not improving yourself after failing then you can’t achieve anything. Thomas Alva Edison, before giving the final patent of bulb had failed almost six thousand times. If he had stopped after failing would anybody remember him in future? A person who fails has two choices either you improve yourself and learn something from it or just live your life as a failure whom no one would remember. I think that there are two types of mentalities. First one is “Victim Mentality”. People having this type of mentality make themselves victim of every situation. When you see these type of people they are always crying over petty things. These type of people are very weak. They will be crushed by the competitive world in few moments. Also these people have excuse for everything. If you ask them to do anything they will always have an excuse ready. They are suffering from a disease called victimitis excusitis. This disease is very dangerous. It causes a person to make excuses.
Another type of mentality is the “Warrior Mentality”.Very few people have this type of mentality. It takes a lot of mental toughness to develop this type of mentality. People who come in the Top 1% have this type of mentality.People who have this type of mentality are the best people in their field. They come out of their comfort zone and are not afraid to fail and take risks. Even if they fail they learn from it. They do an analysis and improve themselves. Remember you don’t have to prove yourself, you have to constantly improve yourself and thrive for success.
I think that if you want to develop the “Warrior Mentality” the first step is to stop giving excuses. No matter what the situation is just stop giving an excuse. The second step is to start challenging yourself. The best way to challenge yourself is physical training. Or do something everyday that sucks but is important for who you want to become. The third step is to stop wasting time on useless things. There are 24 hours in a day. Out of this 24 hours most of your time should be devoted to your goals. If you don’t have any goal then make one. Work towards it and try to achieve it.
If you are a student and have failed in any exam then don’t think that it is okay or marks don’t matter. In my opinion if you have failed then you have not put in the hard work. Remember if you want to achieve something you have to put in the hours. Nothing can be achieved without working hard. In the end I would like to say that whenever you face a failure take it as a lesson and try to become a warrior instead of becoming victim and crying over it. You will fail many times in life but if you take action against it no one will be able to stop you. David Goggins once said “We all have the ability to come from nothing to something”.
Hope you will reflect on things you learned from the above learnings.
Thanks for Reading!