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My name is Dev and today I am going to talk about a very mysterious realm.
Theory of Relativity , Quantum Mechanics and Chaos Theory were the biggest achievements of 20th century. This three things changed the perception of world around us. I think that it is important for us to know about this wonderful things as they stimulate us to the very core of ourselves. From the time life started, there has been a lot of evolutionary changes. We have been evolved from a single celled organism to a complex multicellular beings. We all constantly fight for survival and studying various aspects of nature helps us to understand it and using it in best way to improve our lives. I find quantum mechanics to be very fascinating as well as mysterious and weird. Democritus, a Greek philosopher in 5th century BCE gave the concept of atom to be an indivisible block of matter. According to Hindu Philosophy, the atomic structure of matter was well known to ancient Hindus. Vaisheshika, one of the six schools of philosophy of Hinduism spoke about various modern theories of atoms , relativity , magnetism, heat , etc.
Fast forward to 19th century when subatomic particles were discovered and the belief of atom being the smallest indivisible matter was rejected. At first, it was believed that an atom consisted of electrons, protons and neutrons but further research found that an atom had many more subatomic particles. Further research took us more into atom and we entered into the quantum realm. More we dig deep into the atom, the complexity increased. The interesting thing about quantum mechanics is that the more we study it the less we understand it.

In the early 19th century , various experiments and research changed the course of science. A debate started on the nature of light. Photoelectric effect proved that light behaved as particle whereas Young’s Double Slit experiment showed that light acted as wave. Further it was found that not only light but matter also existed as matter and wave. In quantum mechanics, everything exists as a probability wave until observed. This phenomenon is called quantum indeterminancy(QI). This is one of the biggest mysteries in quantum physics. Another weird and mysterious concept is that two particles can interact with each other over space time. This is called Quantum entanglement and the reason for this is still unknown. The questions regarding quantum physics are highly philosophical and requires a lot of research. The journey inside an atom is extremely fascinating and mysterious because when we enter into the atom the laws of classical physics becomes obsolete and hell breaks loose. Many scientists have dedicated their lives in search of the fundamental laws that govern the universe.

To conclude, quantum physics is very different from other field because it is highly unpredictable. I think it is important to study this beautiful field of physics because it takes us closer to the beauty of our truest selves and it also takes us closer to our origin. Bruce.H.Lipton said that, “What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical.”
Thanks for reading!